Ocupa-te Program
We envision a world where all children have their rights recognized and guaranteed.Mission
- Promote and disseminate the Rights of the Child.
- Welcoming endangered children and envisioning their Life Project with them and their families

The CrescerSer volunteer program “Ocupa-te” aims to develop a structured and planned work with APDMF volunteers – CrescerSer
It is up to each Shelter House (CAT) to define the application deadlines for their projects and to publicize their projects/activities and publicize them within their community.
Rights of Volunteers
(Art.º 7.º of Law n.º 71/98, November 3rd)- Develop a job, according to your knowledge, experiences and motivations;
- Have access to initial and continuous training programs;
- Receive support in the performance of your work with monitoring and technical evaluation;
- Have a favorable work environment with hygiene and safety conditions;
- Participate in decisions concerning your work;
- Be recognized for the work you develop with accreditation and certification;
- Agree with the promoting organization on a volunteering program, which regulates the terms and conditions of the work to be carried out.
Proposed activities
- I work with children;
- Development of recreational activities;
- Accompaniment in school work;
- Garden care;
- Administrative work; promotion of the league of friends;
- Organization of events: fados, dance, various concerts, solidarity dinners;
- Organization and maintenance of children's clothes and donations of food, toys and clothes, help in the kitchen, among others.
Terms of Membership
Click here for the terms of membership.You must print it, fill in all the fields and deliver it to the Reception Center where you intend to volunteer.
Casa do Parque
Estrada de S. Marçal, Nº9
2790-149 Carnaxide
Phone: 214 177 340
Fax: 214 182 246
Casa da Encosta
Rua de S. Rafael,
Bairro de S. Miguel das Encostas
2775-753 Carcavelos
Phone: 214 533 931
Casa do Infantado
Praça Infante D. Henrique, Nº1 B R/c
2670-390 Loures
Phone: 219 820 374
Casa do Vale
Bairro Engº Machado Vaz,
Rua Souto de Contumil
4350-330 Porto
Phone: 225 029 296
Casa da Ameixoeira
Rua Fernanda Alves, Lote 3, R/ch Esqº
1750-391 Lisboa
Phone: 217 553 009
Casa do Canto
Urbanização Albermar 9
Chão de Couce
3240-472 Ansião
Phone: 236 628 030
Casa de Cedofeita
Rua Instituto dos Cegos S. Manuel, Nº22
4050-308 Porto
Phone: 226 090 322