Ocupa-te Program


We envision a world where all children have their rights recognized and guaranteed.


  • Promote and disseminate the Rights of the Child.
  • Welcoming endangered children and envisioning their Life Project with them and their families

The CrescerSer volunteer program “Ocupa-te” aims to develop a structured and planned work with APDMF volunteers – CrescerSer

It is up to each Shelter House (CAT) to define the application deadlines for their projects and to publicize their projects/activities and publicize them within their community.


Head Quarters

Costa do Castelo, nº5 - R/C
1100 - 176 Lisboa


Phone: 218 800 610

Casa do Parque

Estrada de S. Marçal, Nº9 Outurela/Portela
2790-149 Carnaxide


Phone: 214 177 340

Fax: 214 182 246

Casa da Encosta

Rua de S. Rafael, Bairro de S. Miguel das Encostas
2775-753 Carcavelos


Phone: 214 533 931

Casa do Infantado

Praça Infante D. Henrique, Nº1 B R/c Infantado
2670-390 Loures


Phone: 219 820 374

Casa do Vale

Bairro Engº Machado Vaz, Rua Souto de Contumil
4350-330 Porto


Phone: 225 029 296

Casa da Ameixoeira

Rua Fernanda Alves, Lote 3, R/ch Esqº
1750-391 Lisboa


Phone: 217 553 009

Casa do Canto

Urbanização Albermar 9 Chão de Couce
3240-472 Ansião


Phone: 236 628 030

Casa de Cedofeita

Rua Instituto dos Cegos S. Manuel, Nº22
4050-308 Porto


Phone: 226 090 322